Our Roadmap Ecosystem

This roadmap identifies some critical initiatives and outcomes we will drive towards. The French Bulldog ecosystem can be summed up with the following vision:

  • French Bulldog aims to be the transactional token at the center of an ecosystem of decentralized applications, marketplaces, games, and NFT projects.

  • French Bulldog will leverage it's approachability as a meme coin and it's name and brand association to serious financial services to onboard new users to the Decentralized Finance and Blockchain space and provide an ever expanding catalog of utility and leisure capabilities.

  • French Bulldog (FRENCHIE) also aims to be the governance token at the center of the project, allowing for both speculators and value investors to acquire and enjoy financial and organizational benefits, Through trustless contracts and decentralized liquidity pools.

  • Investors can rest assured that French Bulldog will always be available for trade and critical project assets available for use into the future.

A roadmap to achieve this state has to cover all areas:

  • - Growth of Investors.

  • - Expansion of exchange support and other partnerships.

  • - Expansion of utility.

  • - Market penetration to users and consumers.

  • - As we grow and complete steps on our roadmap, our focus can increasingly move from the former to the latter areas.

  • - The following are our next milestones. As we achieve them we will publicize our progress and add new milestones to keep on challenging ourselves to succeed and grow.

Last updated